2023-24 State Officers Retire From Year of Service

The 2023-24 State Officers have spent an entire year serving California FFA. Their service has enriched the lives of many members across the state as they served as ambassadors for agricultural education. During the conference, each officer has taken the stage to share their retiring address.

Session 2: Thomas Rosa, State FFA Sentinel, delivered his retiring address titled "Live Vividly." In it, Rosa motivated members to practice gratitude and to fully embrace life's offerings. He emphasized the significance of living in the present moment, remarking, “To live vividly is to stop, take a look around, and recognize what is happening at this moment. These moments are incredible, and if you blink, you miss them.”

Thomas Rosa RA


Session 3: State FFA Reporter Piper Lakey delivered her impactful retiring address titled "The Difference." Reflecting on her personal journey, Lakey shared insights into overcoming comparisons with others and urged members to do the same. "Never waste a moment wishing you were someone else," Lakey emphasized. "Focus instead on becoming the person who makes a difference to others."

Piper RA


Session 4: State FFA Treasurer Sydney Marich delivered her impactful retiring address titled "Be the Light." Reflecting on her journey serving in the State FFA Office, Marich shared the illumination she experienced and offered reassurance to FFA members, reminding them of the light awaiting at the end of any challenges they face. “The more we share our stories, the brighter the light at the end of the tunnel gets,” she said. “This family that is the blue jacket was a guiding light for me, and it can be for you too.”

Sydney Marich RA


Session 5: State FFA Secretary Makena Stansai delivered her memorable retiring address titled "Meeting in the Middle," recounting her journey of joining FFA despite lacking prior agricultural experience. As a Temecula native, Stansai discovered the richness of FFA's offerings and emphasized the importance of sacrifices in shaping our paths. “We are in this specific room in this specific area because of sacrifices,” Stansai emphasized. “We sacrifice because we help other people; we are choosing to be a good person for other people.”

 Makena Stansai


Session 6: State FFA Vice President Sierra Short delivered her heartfelt retiring address titled "Look at the View, It’s All for You." Short opened up about her personal journey of finding acceptance in high school and attributed FFA for providing her with a sense of belonging. She emphasized the significance of embracing individuality, acknowledging that everyone's life story unfolds uniquely. “Each and every one of us is different, but that’s what makes us who we are,” Short said. “You are good enough; you have value; you are important.”

Sierra RA


Closing Session: During his retiring address, State FFA President Austin Bell reflected on his year of service and unveiled the three pillars that have guided him: community, faith, and agriculture. Bell inspired members to seek out their own pillars of purpose. “We all need something to live for,” Bell asserted. “There is something greater in this life to serve; we have to live with purpose.”

Austin Bell RA


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Beginning in the early 20th century in California, agricultural education has a long tradition of preparing students for rigorous, satisfying careers both within and outside of the industry. As a school-based learning program, agricultural education operates as a unit within the California Department of Education and is written into the state’s legislative education code.


Rich in history with an eye toward the future, California’s school-based agricultural education program seeks to prepare all students for satisfying careers in and outside of the agriculture industry. The multi-faceted approach to growing the whole person includes a focus on character and interpersonal skill development, technical acumen and critical thinking capabilities.



From personal growth to career skill enhancement, the focus of California’s agricultural education events is always on the experiential development of the student. With activities ranging from local to national, the statewide organization offers a number of premier events each year that are suited to best meet the interests of an ever-diversifying student population.


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California FFA Foundation’s goal is to provide individuals, businesses, foundations, and others the opportunity to invest in the premier secondary Agricultural Education leadership development program in California: FFA. The Foundation provides award recognition for student projects, competitive team events, leadership development events, as well as leadership training conferences.