Be The Change!
What could your FFA chapter accomplish if it had the tools and strategies to be truly powerful? Get ready for ALA: Be The Change! During this conference, chapter members will discover how to best work on a team in order to achieve a common goal by experiencing the four stages of team development; Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. While working in their chapter teams, students will uncover the steps to developing improvement plans for a chapter event and showcase their idea to other chapters at ALA. Members will leave with dozens of new ideas, ways to add agriculture to any chapter event and the ability to Be The Change in their chapters!
Two Day Event, 9 Conferences in January and February
Once a leader is comfortable with their own self and self-purpose, they can discover how to work with others and accomplish a shared goal. The process for analyzing program needs and improving a project or event is the focus of this conference as students discover how to be teams of innovative leaders in their chapter. This conference about "DO: the individual leader, their relationships with others and how to enact change within their chapters and communities."
Students will:
Experience the four stages of team development
Establish how to work effectively on a team
Take responsibility for own actions
Practice conflict resolution strategies
Conduct a critical analysis of a chapter event using a S.W.O.T. Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
Create a plan of action for improvement of a chapter event from their chapter's Program of Activities
Discover methods of establishing buy-in (WIIFM) and building support for their chapter project
Walk away with new chapter ideas and ways to incorporate agriculture into any chapter event
Registration Opens on Judging Card - November 1, 2024, 7AM PST