This in-the-classroom conference leads students through self-discovery of talents, interests and personal characteristics to start them down the road of uncovering their passions in life. Through GLC ^ITC, students will be emerged in the Who, Why, What, Where, How and Impact of Agricultural Education.
Who: Freshmen
When: One Day Event, 30 Conferences in late September and October *2020 conferences will be online
What: Each student will explore:
WHO i am
Identify personal interests and characteristics
Explore how those interests and characteristics can translate into passions and values
WHY i matter
Build self-confidence through establishing healthy habits.
Engage in conversations of empathy to discover the importance of diversity and inclusion.
WHAT is ag ed
Explore the diversity of California agriculture.
Identify how Agricultural Education creates well rounded individuals through the three-ring model of Classroom & Laboratory (Knowledge), Supervised Agricultural Experience [SAE] (Skill) and the National FFA Organization (Relationships).
WHERE we are going
Hear from FFA alumni working both in and out of the agricultural industry to identify the benefits of Agricultural Education.
Explore agricultural education pathways their school offers and the careers those pathways can lead to.
HOW we get there
Dive deeper into the circle of FFA to explore Career Development Events (CDE), Leadership Development Events (LDE), Conventions and Conferences.
Investigate the circle of SAE, witness SAE highlights and rank their interest level in different/potential projects.
Create a personal plan of action utilizing S.M.A.R.T. goals that address the areas of FFA, Classroom and SAE.
Define servant leadership.
Examine how to have a positive impact on the community through social media and community service. Complete a personal plan of action by adding S.M.A.R.T. goals in the areas of Personal Life and Community.