State Officer Update: State Officers Reflect on Memorable Year of Service and Achievements of Members

As the term for the 2022-2023 California FFA State Officers draws to a close, we reflect on the experiences and memories we have gained during our travels across the state. These unforgettable moments will stay with us for a lifetime.

In March, we passed the torch to the newly elected State FFA Officer Team, and we are excited to witness the impactful work they will accomplish during their year of service. We have complete confidence in their ability to continue and redefine California FFA.

Our travels have taken us to several State DegMember Recognitionree Ceremonies and field days throughout California since the 95th annual State FFA Leadership Conference. We are proud to announce that over 2,000 State FFA degrees have been awarded this past year, which is a remarkable achievement. This accomplishment is earned by only around two percent of hardworking third- and fourth-year members after meeting rigorous requirements and completing a comprehensive application.

During the State FFA Degree Ceremonies, we have journeyed to all six regions of California FFA membership and had countless interactions with members, including new and revisited friendships. Moreover, we had the opportunity to recognize star awards and proficiencies at the regional level, and we recognized the hundreds of new state degrees in our association. Kimberly Alvarez from El Centro-Southwest FFA expressed her elation after being named the Imperial Section Star farmer and advancing to the region with a Diversified Livestock proficiency, saying, "This accomplishment motivates me to continue learning and growing, strengthening my current skills and discovering new ones." We are impressed by the level of dedication and grit shown by this year's degree recipients, and we congratulate them on their remarkable achievement.

CDE SO TeamThe Career Development Events are quickly approaching, with the State FFA Finals at Fresno and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The State FFA Officer team awarded many deserving silver bowls and blue ribbons to teams that have spent countless hours working towards success in their chosen event at Fresno State's Annual Field Day. We are excited to see the results of many motivated individuals and teams alike during the upcoming Cal Poly State FFA Finals in a few weeks. Good luck to all!

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Agricultural education strives to maintain its status on the cutting-edge of rigorous classroom instruction, relevant skill acquisition and premier leadership development. Check out the expansive and evolving catalog of resources to generate new ideas, enhance curriculum delivery skills or identify new ways to engage in FFA and SAE activities.


Beginning in the early 20th century in California, agricultural education has a long tradition of preparing students for rigorous, satisfying careers both within and outside of the industry. As a school-based learning program, agricultural education operates as a unit within the California Department of Education and is written into the state’s legislative education code.


Rich in history with an eye toward the future, California’s school-based agricultural education program seeks to prepare all students for satisfying careers in and outside of the agriculture industry. The multi-faceted approach to growing the whole person includes a focus on character and interpersonal skill development, technical acumen and critical thinking capabilities.



From personal growth to career skill enhancement, the focus of California’s agricultural education events is always on the experiential development of the student. With activities ranging from local to national, the statewide organization offers a number of premier events each year that are suited to best meet the interests of an ever-diversifying student population.


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Support Agricultural Leadership, Growth and Career Education

The mission of the California FFA Foundation is to promote, aid, and assist, financially or otherwise, California FFA to ensure the success of Agricultural Education by preparing tomorrow's agricultural leaders, today.




California FFA Foundation’s goal is to provide individuals, businesses, foundations, and others the opportunity to invest in the premier secondary Agricultural Education leadership development program in California: FFA. The Foundation provides award recognition for student projects, competitive team events, leadership development events, as well as leadership training conferences.