Adventure Awaits!
Get ready for an adventure unlike anything you have experienced so far: a jam-packed weekend where sophomore FFA members explore the truth about leadership, the influence an individual can have and find themselves in this one of a kind relationship building experience! You will spend the weekend learning about your core values and how to genuinely connect with other individuals. Enjoy time in a nice hotel, experience a crazy dance and meet FFA members from across your region here at MFE: Adventure Awaits!
About MFE
Once an individual knows who they are and the core values that guide their life choices, they can then start to branch out and build meaningful relationships with others. MFE is all about a student understanding who they are and how they can build trust, show vulnerability and give empathy in order to develop relationships to ultimately influence those around them. This conference is about "WE: knowing that leadership starts by first believing in ourselves in order to build our confidence to then serve others."
Who: Sophomores
When: Two Day Event, 8 Conferences in January and February
What: Each student will:
- Define leadership and 6 different Leadership "Truths"
- Develop 5 core values to help guide life decisions
- Explore how to continually build leadership as a skill over time
- Evaluate and improve self-integrity
- Practice 3 ways to build lasting relationships
- Evaluate the message the Agricultural Industry portrays through different forms of media
- Walk away with 3 specific practices to implement after MFE